What are “Blood Clocks?” Shona Stephenson What are “Blood Clocks?” Shona Stephenson

What are “Blood Clocks?”

What are “Blood Clocks?” And why are they important?

In the past few decades, biological age has been estimated using a variety of biomarkers essential to identify and treat chronic disease risk. And it isn’t just important for older adults. You can start making positive changes to help increase your longevity and healthspan at any age. The goal is to lower your chances of getting long-term illnesses or at least delaying their onset. Your chronological age could differ from your biological age, depending on your genetics and lifestyle. For example, two biological ageing tests are dedicated to analysing blood biomarkers. The team at Chi Longevity refer to these as ‘Blood Clocks’.

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Anti-Aging Research and Investment - Why should we pay attention?

Anti-Aging Research and Investment - Why should we be paying attention?

The World Health Organisation (WHO ) and the United Nations (UN) have dedicated 2021-2031 to healthy aging. Governments are getting behind the anti-aging projects, seeing the extended-term economic benefits and investing in preventing age-related diseases. Both private and public sectors agree that this is a huge issue that needs to be addressed globally.

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Interview with Co-Founder of Chi-Longevity, Prof. Andrea Maier.

We hope you like Simon Lim's interview with Prof. Andrea Maier, Co-Founder of Chi Longevity Clinics, who specialises in anti-ageing research and focuses on reducing inflammation in the body and the benefits of identifying and reducing age-related diseases to optimise health and vitality to improve your quality of life through comprehensive medical testing and science-backed medical research.

The interview will cover the following points;

  • Measuring the biological age, Bio Age V Chronological Age, Degreasing your Bio Age.

  • Lifespan V Health Span and increasing your quality of life.

  • Epigenetics and Autoimmune disease, and reduction of autoimmune diseases.

  • Healthy Sleep patterns

  • Reducing inflammation in the body

  • Sugar intake, diet intake, whether or not to take multivitamins

  • Exercise programming for you at the current stage of your life.

  • Why do men look younger, but women live longer?

  • Managing menopause for women

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Chi Longevity Joins THE EXPATRIATE Team

Chi Longevity Joins THE EXPATRIATE

Why do we think Chi Longevity is a fantastic addition to THE EXPATRIATE?

At THE EXPATRIATE, we help the Australian expat community optimise their wealth; we’d also like to connect you with information to help optimise your health.

Many people may experience chronic illnesses or late-onset diseases as they age. However, suppose we learn from our family history. In that case, we can prevent chronic conditions and illnesses from impacting our quality of life, reverse our bio age to increase our health span, and live with greater vitality for longer. Chi Longevity offers a different approach to health than the usual general practice consultation.

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Vitamin G. What is it and what are the benefits to your mental health?

Why do we love Vitamin G? There are Psychological mechanisms at play.

Nature offers an escape from daily routines and demands. Research in this area draws upon two major theories that describe how contact with nature might impact psychological wellbeing. Attention restoration theory suggests that natural environments help us restore our limited capacity to direct attention. Natural environments are particularly well suited for the restoration of attention. This is why going for a walk when working in an office every 2 hours helps you to be more efficient at your work.

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