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How can Australia rethink its migration programme to attract and retain skilled workers?

Australian Migration programme focused on attracting and retaining skilled workers

How can Australia rethink its migration programme to attract and retain skilled workers?

Throughout the years, Australia has welcomed millions of people from all corners of the world, each bringing their own unique culture and contributions to Australian society.

Australia is currently facing various labour and skills shortages with the aftermath of the pandemic and further to this, long visa processing times are potentially causing Australia to lose valuable talent to other countries.

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Australia’s rental vacancy rate

Australia’s rental vacancy rate. Australia is experiencing its lowest national rental vacancy rate in decades. This situation is widely considered a rental crisis, particularly when looking at the current increase in the country’s employment rate. The issue is clear: Australia has a high number of jobs available in various industries across both the public and private sectors, yet the country does not have sufficient rental housing availability for people relocating internationally and between states.

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